Friday, August 26, 2005

Golden and Grey

I have to admit that I am pretty proud of myself for finishing this off! I just had a baby 10 days ago. Both girls took a nap at the same time yesterday, and instead of doing the sensible thing (going to sleep myself) I finished this off!

I bought this book based on cover and title alone. The cover art is perfect for the age range (wonky cartoonish, but not over the top). And the subtitle - An Unremarkable Boy and a Rather Remarkable Ghost) is rather intriguing.

Tom Golden has just moved to a new school and somehow gotten the title of "freak boy". He's not sure how it happend...he used to have friends. Now he finds notes on his back, noone will eat with him, and he is constantly trying to avoid bully Big Ben.

Grey Arthur is a ghost without a job. He has tried to be a poltergeist, and a sadness summoner among other things, but nothing quite fits.

One day he hears Tom's angry whispers about school. They are not whispers to Grey Arthur's ears sinces ghosts hear by emotion rather than volume. Grey Arthur knows what he must Tom's Invisible Friend. Whether or not this is a real ghost job description, he does not know, but he does know that Tom needs him. The one problem with this friendship is that it is one way. Tom doesn't know Arthur exists.

An accident, however, leaves Tom with a special power. He can now see not only Grey Arthur, but all the ghosts around him. Will this really help Tom, or make him even more of a freak boy. Afterall who else goes around talking to folks noone else can see?

This is more of a story about friendship and growing up than it is a ghost story. It has a broad appeal, and will prove especially fun to fans of Ibbotson.

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