Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Year End

So, here we are at the end of the year once more. How did my A-Z read go, you ask? A-hem. I had the best intentions, really I did. But I have learned that my reading cannot be disciplined like that outside of committee work!

There are a couple of goals for 2008 in regard to this here blog!

1) I want to actually blog more of the books I read. There were some gems like No Flying in the House (an A-Z too, btw) that never made it online. For shame!

2) Do some historical blogging. Especially of picture books. There are so many great old folktales that I use in my curriculum that I would love to share with others!

3) Make it a point to post either here or at Tweendom three times a week. I still want to remain focused on recommendations, but with all those books read that never made it should be possible.

4) Click away in order to find new(ish) blogs that I like. Just found the 3 Evil Cousins today!

5) Get/stay active in the Kidlitosphere. What a great conference this year! Most likely I won't be able to make it out West for '08, so I want to be involved however possible!

This March will be my 3 year blogoversary! Who knew it would be this much fun?

1 comment:

Aislinn Ai said...

Thanks for liking us... we like you too!
I love the A-Z read idea... perhaps I shall try it....

-- Aislinn Ai